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Call for Applications

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS) Announcement of New International Conferences & Academic Programs (Berlin, The Hague, Zagreb; February-March 2015) Dear Friends & Colleagues, We are pleased to send you now information about our forthcoming conferences, academic programs and professional training sessions including many high-level politicians and diplomats, senior academics and celebrated artists, which is assembled and enclosed below for your convenience and use. You are warmly invited to share the newsletter, the announcements, and the opportunities below with your network, students & young professionals as well as other interested parties. To view the recently announced ICD calendar of programs and events f Bi-annual Report for July - December 2014 » We are pleased to report to you now about our main activities for the second part of the year 2014 in our Bi-annual Report for July - December 2014. For your convenience, we assembled important developments and news together in a brochure summarizing the second part of 2014, which you are able to download via clicking on the following hyperlink. We would be delighted if you were to read this newsletter and we hope that you enjoy it. The Report can be downloaded via this hyperlink We hope that you and your colleagues will be able to join our activities. With warmest regards, Mark C. Donfried Director General Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) GenthinerStr. 20, Berlin-10785, Germany Phone: 0049 (0)30 2360-7680 Fax: 0049 (0)30 2360-76811 Facebook >>; Twitter >>; You Tube>> info@culturaldiplomacy.org www.culturaldiplomacy.org iCulturalDiplomacy - Click Here The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies – Click Here Organization for Youth Education & Development – Click Here Inter-Parliamentary Alliance for Human Rights & Global Peace – Click Here Forthcoming Programs for 2015 Call for Applications =================== International Conferences "Uniting the World's Leading Powers" (International Conferences; Berlin; February-March 2015) The Academy for Cultural Diplomacy organizes a number of international conferences, which take place throughout the year and around the world. The international conferences provide an opportunity for larger audiences to actively participate and engage in lectures and discussions featuring high profile figures from the fields of international politics, diplomacy, culture, academia, civil society and the private sector. The events have an inclusive participation policy and are open to individuals from all academic, cultural, and professional backgrounds. The following Events will take place in Berlin during February - March 2015: The Hague Summit on International Law & Human Rights » “An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Role of International Law in Promoting Human Rights” (International Court of Justice, The Hague; February 4th-5th, 2015) To apply please submit the online application form found HERE www.thehague-summit.org Film for Peace 2015 » "The Power of Film & the Arts to Build Peace" Held Parallel to the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlin; February 10th - 13th, 2015) To apply please submit the online application form found HERE www.filmforpeace.org The Common EU Youth Policy Forum » “A Call for Further EU Engagement & Support for Global Youth Issues” (Berlin; February 19th - 21st, 2015) www.common-eu-youth-policy.org To apply please submit the online application form found HERE Zagreb Summit on Cross-Continental Cooperation in South-Eastern Europe » “Cultural Diplomacy in South Eastern Europe: The Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions” (International Conference, Zagreb; March 1st-3rd, 2015) To apply please submit the online application form found HERE www.zagrebconference.org Berlin Economic Forum 2015 » "Creative Economies, Sustainable Tourism & Foreign Investments" Held Parallel to the Berlin International Tourism Trade Fair (ITB) (Berlin; March 4th - 7th, 2015) To apply please submit the online application form found HERE www.berlin-forum.org ******* BA, MA & PhD Programs in Cultural Diplomacy (In cooperation with: the Furtwangen University, Germany; the University of Siena, Italy; the University of Bucharest, Romania; the Babes-Bolyai University, Romania) (Berlin; Program Start for Spring Semester: March 30th & May 11th, 2015) www.ccds-berlin.de To apply please submit the online application form found HERE. The Academy for Cultural Diplomacy invites you to continue to build your academic career by enrolling in our BA, MA and PhD Programs in Cultural Diplomacy. The Degree Programs operate under a joint partnership between the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy and leading European universities. The Degrees are all awarded by the Universities, which are recognized as fully accredited institutions of higher education with the right to award university degrees. The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies is currently accepting Applications for the following Programs: Furtwangen University (HFU), Germany » · MA Program in International Economics, Business & Cultural Diplomacy (Two Year Program) · MA Program in International Economics, Business & Cultural Diplomacy (One Year Program) · MA Program in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy (One Year Program) · MA Program in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy (Two Year Program) · MBA Program in International Economics & Cultural Diplomacy (Two Year Program) · The University of Siena, Italy » · MA Program in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy (One Year Program) · MA Program in Global Governance & Cultural Diplomacy (One Year Program) The University of Bucharest, Romania » · PhD Program in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy (Three Year Program) · MA Program in Analytic Philosophy with a Concentration in Cultural Diplomacy (Two Year Program) · MA Program in Globalization Studies & Cultural Diplomacy with a Concentration on International Relations (Two Year Program) · BA in Political Science with a Concentration in Cultural Diplomacy The Babes-Bolyai University, Romania » · MA Program in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy (Two Year Program) · MA Program in International Economics & Cultural Diplomacy (Two Year Program) =================== Professional Development Programs Certificate Programs in Cultural Diplomacy >> (Next Programs for Winter 2015) To apply please submit the online application form found HERE. www.ccds-berlin.de The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS) invite you to enhance your professional experience and qualifications by participating in our Professional Development Programs. The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies has developed the Certificate Programs in Cultural Diplomacy in order to offer and provide participants with comprehensive, tailored learning opportunities in a number of related fields. Each program features lectures, seminars and workshops lead by experts from the fields of international politics, diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. The CCDS is currently accepting Applications for the following Programs: · Certificate Program in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy · Certificate Program in Global Governance & Cultural Diplomacy · Certificate Program in Cultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation · Certificate Program in Cultural Diplomacy, Sustainable Development & the Global Markets · Certificate Program in Cultural Diplomacy by the Arts, Music and Cinema · Certificate Program in Cultural Diplomacy & the European-African Alliance · Certificate Program in Cultural Diplomacy: EU-Chinese Relations - Beyond Trade · Weeklong Seminars on Cultural Diplomacy - February Session =================== E-Learning Programs in Cultural Diplomacy Professional Development Programs in Cultural Diplomacy >> (Next Program Start: 2015; February 1st- 28th, 2015) To apply please submit the online application form found HERE. www.ccds-distance-learning.de The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies invites you to enrich your academic and professional experience by enrolling in our E-Learning Programs in Cultural Diplomacy. The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies has developed the E-Learning Programs in order to offer individuals interested in the field of Cultural Diplomacy and related areas the opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience in this fascinating and expanding field. The E-Learning Programs have been designed to be studied at a distance, giving students the flexibility to study from any location in the world within a structured and supportive framework. The CCDS is currently accepting Applications for the following Programs: · E-Learning Program in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy · E-Learning Program in Global Governance & Cultural Diplomacy · E-Learning Program in Cultural Diplomacy, Sustainable Development & the Global Markets · E-Learning Program in Cultural Diplomacy & the New Media · E-Learning Program in Cultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation · E-Learning Program in Cultural Diplomacy for Diplomats =================== Organization for Youth Education & Development Forthcoming Young Leaders' Forums >> (Next Programs for Winter 2015) To apply please submit the online application form HERE. www.oyed.org The Organization for Youth Education & Development (OEYD) invites you to participate in the next OYED Young Leaders' Forums. The Forums are international networks of like-minded young individuals with an interest in developing, supporting, and sustaining intercultural relations. Over the past decade, the OYED Young Leaders' Forums have grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent, cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs, which facilitate interaction among young individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds from across the world. The OYED is currently accepting Applications for the following Programs: · Cultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDA) (Berlin; January 12th - 16th, 2015) · Africa Meets Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (AME) (Berlin; January 12th - 16th, 2015) · The Berlin Summit on African Youth Education & Development (Berlin; January 13th - 16th, 2015) · Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD) (Berlin; February 09th - 13th, 2015) · Cultural Bridges in Germany: A Forum for Young Leaders (CBG) (Berlin; February 18th - 21st, 2015) · Europe Meets Russia: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMR) (Berlin; February 25th - 28th, 2015) · Europe Meets China: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMC) (Berlin; February 25th - 28th, 2015) · Cultural Diplomacy & the Global Economy: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDGE) (Berlin; March 4th - 8th, 2015) · Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE) (Zagreb; March 11th - 14th, 2015) · Europe Meets Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMLA) (Berlin; March 11th - 14th, 2015)

Ultimo Post: 9 anni, 8 mesi fa

Di: ICDPress

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A cinquant'anni stagista in Tribunale: «Obbligata ad accettare per non perdere il sussidio, ma adesso?»

C’è un filo rosso che accomuna i quasi 3mila tirocinanti che dal 2010 a fine 2014 sono stati impiegati all’interno degli uffici giudiziari di tutta Italia. I progetti – prima regionali con fondi europei, poi con finanziamenti del ministero della giustizia – rientravano nelle politiche attive per i lavoratori percettori di ammortizzatori sociali e hanno permesso di fatto, negli ultimi anni, la copertura di molti vuoti di organico nei tribunali relativi a figure come commessi, archivisti, addetti. Tra loro c’è …

Ultimo Post: 9 anni, 8 mesi fa

Di: Marianna Lepore

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Stage nei tribunali, se lo Stato illude chi ha perso il lavoro invece di aiutarlo

Cosa si aspetta dallo Stato una persona che perde il lavoro? La risposta è scontata: un aiuto economico e un sostegno per trovare al più presto un altro impiego. Una aspettativa semplice. Ma lo Stato italiano vacilla su entrambi i fronti. Il sussidio, quando c'è, è magro; ma sopratutto il sostegno attivo alla ricerca di lavoro è scarsissimo. In alcuni casi si raggiunge un vero paradosso: capita che lo Stato “imprigioni” le persone a cui sta offrendo un sussidio economico, …

Ultimo Post: 9 anni, 8 mesi fa

Di: Eleonora Voltolina

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Tribunali, maxi stage lunghi 4 anni per coprire i buchi di organico: ma adesso tutti a casa

Se la giustizia in Italia è lenta non è solo per l'eccessivo numero di leggi e per i bizantinismi del sistema giudiziario. C'è anche un problema molto più terra-terra: la mancanza di personale. Gli uffici giudiziari sono infatti probabilmente il comparto pubblico che ha più buchi di organico: le stime parlano di 9mila dipendenti “mancanti”. Parte da questo punto, incontrovertibile, la storia che oggi la Repubblica degli Stagisti vuole raccontare. Una storia per molti versi assurda. Perché negli ultimi anni …

Ultimo Post: 9 anni, 8 mesi fa

Di: Marianna Lepore

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Dentro Vulcanus in Japan: gli stage a Nara di Andrea e Giuseppe

Sono in scadenza i termini per partecipare a Vulcanus in Japan, il programma annuale di tirocini in aziende giapponesi del settore tecnologico finanziato dall'Eu-Japan Center for Industrial Cooperation di Bruxelles e dalle aziende stesse, destinato a tutti gli studenti europei iscritti a facoltà tecnico-scientifiche. La Repubblica degli Stagisti ha chiesto a due ex partecipanti di raccontare il loro anno nel Paese del Sol Levante: ecco le storie di Andrea Tino e Giuseppe Lisi. Andrea Tino (27 anni, Siracusa)Oggi c'è molto …

Ultimo Post: 9 anni, 8 mesi fa

Di: Annalisa Di Palo

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Ricerca medica, in Italia il 40% lavora gratis

Fare ricerca in Italia? Un atto di coraggio, date le condizioni a cui i ricercatori sono costretti a lavorare: uno su quattro lo fa a titolo praticamente volontario. Una indagine realizzata dalla Fondazione Giorgio Pardi e da AstraRicerche, presentata qualche settimana fa, ha scattato una fotografia preoccupante della ricerca di base e medica nel nostro Paese: i giovani lamentano di non essere selezionati con criteri meritocratici, di non sentirsi valorizzati né motivati e spesso di non venire neanche pagati - …

Ultimo Post: 9 anni, 8 mesi fa

Di: Chiara Merico

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Studiare in nord Africa con Erasmus Mundus: così ci sono riuscite Sofia e Chiara

Il prossimo venerdì 16 gennaio si chiude la call for application per partecipare al progetto BATTUTA- Erasmus Mundus, destinate a studenti universitari europei di ogni livello e al personale accademico. Unico tra gli atenei italiani, l'Orientale di Napoli è partner del consorzio proponente e due sue studentesse, Sofia Abad e Chiara Cascino, dal Marocco hanno raccontato alla Repubblica degli Stagisti l'inizio di un anno accademico speciale.Sofia Abad Ho 24 anni e da quattro sono studentessa di arabo e lingua berbera …

Ultimo Post: 9 anni, 8 mesi fa

Di: Annalisa Di Palo

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Selezione di stagisti alla World Bank, per entrare «usate i social network»

C'è tempo fino al 31 gennaio per candidarsi alla nuova tornata di tirocini offerti dalla World Bank, l'organizzazione internazionale la cui mission istituzionale è quella di portare entro il 2030 al di sotto il 3% la soglia di persone che nel mondo vivono con meno di 1,25 dollari al giorno. Obiettivo ambizioso, che la rende luogo di eccellenza per chi abbia mire professionali nella cooperazione internazionale. La sede principale è Washington, quindi è qui che gli stagisti vengono destinati, benché …

Ultimo Post: 9 anni, 8 mesi fa

Di: Ilaria Mariotti

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Medico e startupper, inventa un collare che riduce i danni da infarto: troverà finanziatori in Italia?

Un collare che permette di mandare in ipotermia i pazienti colpiti da attacco cardiaco, riducendo così i danni cerebrali. Questo il prodotto che sta sviluppando NeuronGuard, start-up fondata a Modena nel maggio del 2013 dal Enrico Giuliani, medico trentaduenne specializzato in anestesia e rianimazione, e Mary Franzese, 28 anni, laureata in Economia aziendale alla Liuc e con un master in Imprenditorialità e strategia aziendale alla Sda Bocconi. I due soci si sono conosciuti a SeedLab, dove Giuliani è stato selezionato …

Ultimo Post: 9 anni, 8 mesi fa

Di: Riccardo Saporiti

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White jobs, uno dei (pochi) settori in cui l'occupazione è in crescita

In tempi di forte crisi occupazionale ci sono dei lavori che negli ultimi anni sono cresciuti in termini di nuovi occupati e che promettono di farlo anche per i prossimi anni. Si tratta dei così detti white jobs, cioè tutti quei lavori che rientrano in questa grande macro categoria che comprende i lavoratori nei servizi sanitari, sociali e alla persona. Non necessariamente quindi solo medici, ma soprattutto figure di assistenza alle persone, dalla cura dei bambini a quella degli anziani …

Ultimo Post: 9 anni, 8 mesi fa

Di: Marianna Lepore

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